fret buzz


Supporting Member
Apr 30, 2002
Bass is a new Fender Jazz Elite...Didn't notice it in the store before buying it, but there is an annoying fret buzz on the low E. It only happens when I finger the seventh fret. When I do that I get a buzz rattle coming from the 5th fret.

Im taking it somewhere to get setup and hopefully the guy will be able to address the issue, but what could be causing this?
Buzz goes away if I do as you suggest.

What's your 1st fret / E string clearance with the string depressed at the 3rd? If difficult to determine, tap on the E string (same scenario) directly above the 1st fret...should hear a distinctive "ping" if there's adequate clearance. May want to re-set your witness points before tackling any of the above!

Add: adequate string wraps, proper break angles, blah, blah, blah....

Well took it to the local guitar tech, he called it a sympathetic buzz and said it's something that's hard to correct.

He also said the truss rod seemed more difficult to move than it should be and also said the neck may have issues (too much relief I think)

He basically said I should return or exchange. He's a guitar builder so I'm assuming he knows what he's talking about.