Fret buzz

Hello. Just got a new bass. A Ibanez TMB100M. Fresh out of the box and its already having a fret buzz. The buzz is only apparent on the a string though. When I play it open it buzzes. The buzz only goes up to the 3rd fret. I did some inspection and the string does come close contact with the nearby frets when I play either or of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd. I don’t understand how the open string is buzzing since its not in contact with any frets though. What should I do?
Congrats on your new bass! Well the strings 'vibrate' so it needs a little clearance above frets how much is up to you to decide where you like the sound/feel.
The buzz could be a number of things or a combination of things.

You could start by watching a couple videos of how to set your basses action most likely your action is a little to low, some dont mind a little buzz but a place you could start is by raising the string saddle a little at a time...:thumbsup:
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Welcome to TB. The two most likely causes are that the neck moved a little (was the bass shipped to you?) and you now have a slight back bow. Read the set up stickies at the top of this forum and check your relief or loosen the truss rod the slightest bit, maybe an 1/8 of a turn.

The other possibility is the nut slot is cut too low which you probably would have noticed the buzz right off and is unusual on a new bass, they’re usually really high. You can use a piece of paper in the slot as a temporary shim if that’s the issue.
Try this... Pluck your open A string, and touch the A string BEHIND the nut. Some A strings on many basses rattle behind the nut because they are not wound down around the tuning post far enuff, so the A string will rattle or buzz in its nut slot, even when fretting notes. I'm not saying the gentlemen above aren't correct. But, I have had A strings have an unexplained buzz that turned out to have nothing to do with frets or neck relief. Pushing down gently behind the nut while the string is vibrating raises the string just past the nut slightly, as well. A test to determine if nut slots are filed too deep. Let the string ring, push gently behind the nut, and if the buzz goes away, it's a clue that a nut slot is too deep. I fix this temporarily by putting a folded piece of paper under the string in the nut slot. I can raise the string in very small increments this way, get rid of the buzz and enjoy the instrument until a new nut is cut or the slot is properly filled. I hope it's just a relief adjustment, but it could be other things. Hope this helps.
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Good advice above, oh and welcome to talkbass! Kinda a rule of thumb around here if have the ability to upload a pic or two of your new bass I think is is requirement! Joke is "pics or it didnt happen" lol. ;)