Fret Buzz

I just purchased a Marcus Miller M7 5-string but I can't get rid of the fret buzz. I'm no stranger to setting up my own basses (I've had one since 1965) and have been able to set them up to my satisfaction. But this one buzzes high and low with the truss rod adjusted to as much or more bow than any of my other basses. I'm not one for having a low action but even setting the string height as high as acceptable does not stop the fret buzz. i took it back to the music store and they said the problem was with the strings and put on a new set. Still buzzes! Since this is a brand-new bass I'm at a loss to find the problem. What's next - a fret job?
The first step you need to do is identify which specific fret is buzzing and which string. That is important information before you can even start. Is it one string? Is it all strings? Is it every fret? Is it a single fret? If a single fret, which one?
I also don't think you'll get much help from this store, if their answer was to change the strings. I'm guessing this bass wasn't cheap because it's named after someone, so I would not be willing to also invest a decent chunk of money and time on making it play well. It should've been set up perfectly out of the box.
I would determine what the cause is before investing anything further and if it's anything extensive, I would return it. That's me.
This sounds like something you would expect to deal with from a $200 bass.
It could need a shim, fret leveling, nut could be cut wrong, all of the above and maybe a few other things.
Yes, if standard setup specs and methods won't stop the fret buzz, then the bass needs fret work. It's as simple as that. Something is wrong with the frets; they aren't level and true. It's probably a high fret or two up at the high end of the neck, but it could a low spot somewhere. Someone who knows what they are doing needs to check them out, figure out where the problem is, and most likely do an overall fret level/crown/polish job.

Who should pay for that work is something you'll have to decide.
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I just purchased a Marcus Miller M7 5-string but I can't get rid of the fret buzz. I'm no stranger to setting up my own basses (I've had one since 1965) and have been able to set them up to my satisfaction. But this one buzzes high and low with the truss rod adjusted to as much or more bow than any of my other basses. I'm not one for having a low action but even setting the string height as high as acceptable does not stop the fret buzz. i took it back to the music store and they said the problem was with the strings and put on a new set. Still buzzes! Since this is a brand-new bass I'm at a loss to find the problem. What's next - a fret job?
Get the neck relief to a credit card at the 7th-9th fret. Max out the saddles. If this doesn't stop the buzz, send it back, or re-assess your playing technique.

If it stopped, lower the saddles til buzzing begins. One string at a time. Lower, tune, play, repeat. When the string buzzes, raise it back to the point it stopped. Repeat for each string. Your action is now, officially, as low as it can go. When you get buzz, make note of which frets.
Well, the music store has taken it back! They expect new stock in mid-October and have given me a loaner until then. I await (with some trepidation) the replacement. That bass was a real head-scratcher. Thanks for the advice.

Glad to hear! I’ve had a few Sire MMiller basses 4s and 5. For the most part the quality control was decent and if I had issues they addressed them (Sire). You’ll probably wind up with a better bass.