"Fretboard Mastery"

I have started taking a Scott Bass Lession course called Fretboard Mastery". I came in feeling pretty good about my up the neck ability. Very soon I realized that outside C. G. D, F, my knowledge, outside of common grass and country notes, I was lost. Ask me to to hit a BB above the 9th fret and my reaction was a blank wall. Eventually, I could work out where BB is by finding A and figuring where BB was from there. Not very effective. I was completely enept from fret 9-12. After some effort, working three triad shapes the circle of fourths in three fretboard positions 1-5 5-9 and 9-12, I can now B find in a number places, including 9-12. Thanks Scott.
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Way to go! This is a very effective way to practice.

For example, play every major triad on the E string around the circle of fourths. C F Bb Eb Ab Db Gb B E A D G. Then do the same on the A and D strings. Use a metronome in order to find the notes quickly.

Soon enough, notes on the fretboard become less mysterious, and the higher registers become more comfortable. Also, practice is a little more fun as the exercise sounds musical.