G&L bass with thin neck/string spacing?

Does G&L make a stock bass that has a thin J neck AND the big magnetic field design pickups (ideally two)?

I see that G&L have J type basses with the traditional fender style pickups, but not interested in those pickups - already have an 80s fender PJ, great bass.

I love the sound of the music man bongo bass and want a similar tone, but the wide neck/string spacing doesn’t suit my playing style. G&L has all the pieces/parts in their line to make my ideal bass that has the best of fender & music man, but I haven’t seen the exact bass yet.

Any advice would be much appreciated - thanks!
Thanks for the link! The L-2000 with the 1 1/2 neck looks like a winner.

I didn’t realize they offered different neck diameters as well, that’s very cool. Any downside/opinions on going with the narrowest 12” option? I do like playing up in the neck and playing chords, seems like that would be ideal, not sure what the downside might be getting thinner in that dimension. Thanks