Gallien Krueger MB112-II discontinued?


Supporting Member
Mar 29, 2013
Salem OR
I ordered one through GC. I called to check on the order and it turns out they only have them in stock at some dealers (i.e. demo units) and they cannot be backordered. CS rep said they're apparently discontinued.


True or is it just GC no longer being a GK dealer and not ordering any more from them?
The 112MBP is the one that has very limited availability I believe. I called GK yesterday and their eta on the cab boxes for these is late April. That jives with Sweetwater telling me they are hearing early May for receiving them. I guess there have been supply chain hiccups. I just bought a brand new MB 112-II from a seller on Reverb - it should be in my hands on Monday. I did notice that other sellers have raised the price by about $30 on the MB112 and MB115. I made an offer to the reverb seller and got it for a little cheaper than the old $419 price tag.... hope that helps!
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