Gallien Krueger mb200 cuts and comes back and so on

May 8, 2011
Hi guys

I dont post often normally just read reviews etc

I need your help , pretty desperate

Been a sold out GK fan for years

Wanted a inbetween rig for my cover band so got a mb200 head and 115mbe cab.

Last Wednesday at practice my setup just stopped giving volume , amp didnt shut down , just no volume

Next day I exchanged it for a new one , did a gig Friday with same head and cab (3x 45 min sets) in warm club and amp rocked out all night long

Come Saturday my amp started the same thing.. after playing 5 songs it cuts out , note this is the 2nd GK head this week with same cab though...

So my problem is intermittent, last night at home its all fine again..

Is the GK cab faulty?

Ive taken the driver out of the cab and check X over .. it all seems fine..

Please note

Change the speakon , no difference
Change instrument cable no difference

Used a multimeter on the can , reading is 8,8 ohms

What the heck could it be?

Please help

I'd open up the cab and physically check the wires from the jack and
on the speakers. Poor solder or mechanical connection could be the issue.
With the ohm meter on the connector, wiggle the wires and see if the display
shows any change is Ohms.
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