First let's calculate the dB changes that results from the available power:
1-300 = [Log(300) x 10] = ~24.8dB
1-100 = [Log(100) x 10] = 20dB
You can add the calculated dB changes to the 1W/1m sensitivity ratings to determine how loud each cab will play.
Then you can enter the results into an online calculator:
Summing of Correlated Sound Sources / sengpielaudio
Or, if you are comfortable with math, use this formula to calculate the results.
Summing of Correlated Sources.
Let's assume a 4 ohm 410 and 8 ohm 210 that use exactly the same drivers and other words the 410 is equivalent to two of the 210s. I consider this the best case scenario.
The Sensitivity ratings are:
410 = 103dB 1W/1m
210 = 100dB 1W/1m
Keep in mind these are made up figures and you need the actual figures of your cabs.
Now we add the sensitivity ratings to the dB change figures we calculated earlier:
A = ~24.8dB + 103 = ~127.8 (410)
B = 20 + 100 = 120dB (210)
Wow! That's quite a difference, but let's go ahead and get the mutual summing results so we can answer your question. I'll take the easy way out and use the online calculator:
View attachment 5144443
Correlated Summing of ~127.8 and 120 = ~130.8dB
So you get ~+3dB.
This is a theoretical result and real world results may be slightly less.
Further Exploration:
Let's figure the SPL each driver is making. We can do this based on the assumption that we lose -6dB of mutual coupling each time the number of drivers are cut in half. In this example the voltage remains constant, so the power each speaker is receiving also remains constant.
410 = ~127.8dB.
- If we reduce the # of drivers by 1/2: ~127.8 - 6 = ~121.8dB
- If reduce the # of drivers by 1/2 again: ~121.8 - 6 = ~115.8dB
So each driver in the 410 is making ~115.8dB
210 = 120dB
- If reduce the # of drivers by 1/2": 120 - 6 = 114dB.
So each driver in the 210 is making 114dB.
Each driver in the 410 is ~1.8dB louder then each driver in the 210. Not much of a difference here.
We also know:
Each driver in the 410 is getting 300W/4 = 75W
Each driver in the 210 is getting 100W/2 = 50W
If you calculate the dB difference of 75W and 50W you get:
[Log(75/50) x 10] = ~1.8dB...which checks with the results above.
We could also figure the 1W/1m sensitivity rating of the individual drives based on the assumption that sensitivity goes down -3dB each time the number of drivers are cut in half.
We started with the assumption the 410 is rated 103dB 1W/1m and the 210 is rated 100dB 1W/1m
410 = 103dB 1W/1m
- If we reduce the # of drivers by 1/2: 103 - 3 = 100dB 1W/1m
- If reduce the # of drivers by 1/2 again: 100 - 3 = 97dB 1W/1m
So each driver in the 410 is rated 97dB 1W/1m
210 = 97dB
- If reduce the # of drivers by 1/2": 100 - 3 = 97dB
So each driver in the 210 is rated 97dB 1W/1m
This makes sense because we assumed our cabs use the exact same drivers and tuning.
Let's check the results:
-Calculated SPL of individual drivers in 410 = [Log(75) x 10] + 97 = ~115.8dB
-Calculated SPL of individual drivers in 210 = [Log(50) x 10] + 97 = ~114dB
Same results as above.