Ive been a guitar and bass player for coming up on 3 years ive mostly owned guitars and played bass here and there but i recently bought my first bass. I love playing bass more so than guitar.im beginning to want to start gigging and im looking for the right gear as i practice. I currently own a ibanez soundgear bass with pj pickups that i defretted, though i may consider refretting if it fits the tone (i mostly did it to play microtones, im not crazy about fretlesses, orchestra may require me to buy an upright soon anyway) i want a hollow body anyways i love acoustic electric stuff. My favorite tone is Peter Albin backing Janis at monterray pop, Ball and Chain is the best example on that set. Bas(s)ically what gear would i need to reinterperate that sound. Basses, amps, pickups,pedals, strings. i prefer combos something quiet enough to play at home but loud enough to get over a drummer and tubes are damn near needed for this sound i think. Came out quite wordy so if you read this thanks.