Gentlemen, start your engines (new Tool songs):

Watching those videos on’s no wonder Maynard has such disdain for Tool fans. You can literally hear people arguing over who saw them straight up hooker with a penis type stuff. Hilarious. The new stuff sounds very much like Tool. I look forward to digesting the record over time and forming a bond with it, like I have with everything they’ve put out.

I miss seeing them in small clubs in Hollywood. They broke right around the time RATM broke IIRC. There were some amazing shows in the early 90’s in LA.
What bass is Justin using now? Warwick or Wal? None of the vids I saw yesterday were close enough to him to see. One video sounded like a Warwick though.

You can get a better peek of their setup and gear here:

Blown away by these new songs. Their stage production and shows have evolved with the music since the early days. At around 6:42 (in this clip) is where bass leads start. Not too mention that throughout Danny Carey is heroic on the drums

Edit: Chancellor does appear to be using a different bass for the other song Descending. Can't tell if its a Wal or maybe a Musicman
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Watching those videos on’s no wonder Maynard has such disdain for Tool fans. You can literally hear people arguing over who saw them straight up hooker with a penis type stuff. Hilarious. The new stuff sounds very much like Tool. I look forward to digesting the record over time and forming a bond with it, like I have with everything they’ve put out.

I miss seeing them in small clubs in Hollywood. They broke right around the time RATM broke IIRC. There were some amazing shows in the early 90’s in LA.

Lol. Please dont take offense as it is not meant malicously but re read your post...

it’s no wonder Maynard has such disdain for Tool fans. You can literally hear people arguing over who saw them first...

And then sentences later...

I miss seeing them in small clubs in Hollywood. They broke right around the time RATM broke IIRC. There were some amazing shows in the early 90’s in LA.

The irony of the full post made me laugh. Not sure if you meant it that way or were deliberately being ironic but either way it made me smile, thanks!
Lol. Please dont take offense as it is not meant malicously but re read your post...

And then sentences later...

The irony of the full post made me laugh. Not sure if you meant it that way or were deliberately being ironic but either way it made me smile, thanks!
I’m glad you caught that :)
“Im OGT from their first EP back in 92’.”
I’m actually not in case that wasn’t clear, LOL. Never saw them in small clubs, I was a Straight edge kid and didn’t pay attention to anything that wasn’t screaming for change. . Glasshouse was about the smallest place I saw Tool at and that wasn’t until undertow came out I think.
I’m glad you caught that :)
“Im OGT from their first EP back in 92’.”

I’m actually not in case that wasn’t clear, LOL. Never saw them in small clubs, I was a Straight edge kid and didn’t pay attention to anything that wasn’t screaming for change. . Glasshouse was about the smallest place I saw Tool at and that wasn’t until undertow came out I think.

With a band like tool, I got into them because they were all over pop radio when I was in early high school when undertow came out. Everyone I knew had that album, because it was super popular, the sober video was all over MTV. So basically its like having fan credibility because your are an old fart...and in my case, being a tool fan was actually conforming to whats popular around wife has that CD, inbetween her backstreet boy and Nsync CD in her book of day & offspring are on the next page. Oh how the irony continues.
I got into them with aenima... 46 and 2 and stinkfist were all the overplayed radio hits... had to go backwards to discover the earlier albums / EP. Seeing them when they came to adelaide for the lateralus tour was pretty kind blowing especially as it was about the third gig I had ever seen! Still my fav band of all time...
It always makes me laugh when fans try to one-up each other based on the timing of being exposed to the band and becoming a superfan. As if the jaded fan who now picks apart every note the band plays has more of "a right" to be at a show over the newest superfan who will actually enjoy the show...or even the friend/significant other of the fan who only knows one song. Entitlement is probably one of the grossest human characteristics out there.