Genzler Magellan 350 ? Is it rock head?

Hello guys,
Not too much on Genzler Magellan 350 at all on the Internet.
However I'm intrigued by this amp. It has pre/post EQ which I belive is cool even for home recording . No more tweaking on PC.
Power is OK for me - I hope so. 800W is too expensive for me.

Main question - is this amp good for blues, rock - punchier rock playing? I got Stingray and don't like too much modern sounding G-K on MB500 let's say. I don't play jazz. I don't slap.
I love beefy yet clear at the same time sound.

What are you opinion over this amp?

Maybe some competitor, but I concernded from EBS Reidmar 500 (250W in fact) and Fender Rumble 500 , but no pre/post :(

Main question - is this amp good for blues, rock - punchier rock playing? I got Stingray and don't like too much modern sounding G-K on MB500 let's say. I don't play jazz. I don't slap.
I love beefy yet clear at the same time sound.
sure, depending on the cab. a little 1x10 cab won't be much good for loud rock playing, but a big 4x10 with that head will be plenty loud and strong.
Recently A-Bd class D heads .

I decided on Berg forte’ as I wasted a transparent sounding head that I could sculpt the tone from .

Genzler seemed to have a fixed tone . For metal -rock Genzler sounded like a miniature SVT turned up full.

I other words it had an overall “Woolley” tone which I might appreciate with a heavier genre .

Personally I Love blues and Bergantino nails a perfect clear blues tone for my ears that I can change if I so desire but not in the least “Woolley”

Not dissuading you against Genzler ; it just wasn’t for me . Use your ears and wallet to decide what’s best for you.
Hmm Forte is $1399, Genzler 800 is $799 [was to high for OP] The 350 is $469. Sorta apple and oranges although they are class D heads. Genzler from what I have heard[albeit online] sounds nothing like a mini SVT full on; unless you tried a Magellan 800 with the DRIVE knob cranked. You made a great choice, Berg is top notch equipment.

To OP,
I would take Walterw's advice 4x10 or 2x12 [4ohm if you can find one and you'd like to stay with 1 cab] Hartke, Ampeg, TC Electronic and GK have some reasonably priced one's [8 ohm] Ampeg has an SVT 2X12 4 ohm.