Gibson memphis ES-les paul bass vs Duesenberg starplayer bass

Feb 21, 2017

Its only a 100-200 euro difference, and tho I like the duesedorf more its my understanding that the bass is only assebmled in germany, the parts and wood on the other hand are actually made in korea. Is this true?
If it is, how do you justify the price that is almost as same as the gibson which is completly made in the US?

What are your experiences with these basses, what do you think about them, and which would you buy?


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If it helps at all, in the States I've seen that Gibby go for much less than a Duesenberg. They try to sell them for US $2200-3 grand, but I've seen several go for $12-1300. I'd rock one for that price if I had it to spend.