Sep 2, 2018
I saw one of these pop up on the local Craigslist for pretty cheap, quick google search tells me it’s a 50w tube combo. Sounds like a sweet deal to me, who doesn’t love a sleeper amp? (Not to mention it’d be a cool compliment to the SG bass I have coming:bassist:). Problem is there’s not a single good demo online that I can find. So, I’m here to ask you all your opinions and experiences with these funky mini fridge looking combos.
No, don't buy this amp. Or... I seriously recommend you reconsider its purchase. There: cleaned up for the forum. These are cheap beyond all cheapness yet command ridiculous prices because, you know, tubes. Move on, you'll find better.
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Not to knock it, but you’ll find that it’s best for a bedroom/practice/recording/coffee house amp, and not much else. It’s one of those proverbial ‘low wattage tube bass amps that harp and guitar players love’. I just picked up, for a C-note(but it definitely needs some love)a second version(vertical)Kalamazoo Bass Thirty, circa ‘68, essentially the budget version of the Thor. Sounded great with my Fender Bass VI and Strat, too bassy with a mini-hum Firebird knock-off, and solid with my Guild JS-2(EB-3 ish short scale) but not bong rattling, so expect the similar.
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Now that I actually looked at that ad, I would say that there’s a good chance that it’s the later solid state version of that model, for whatever that’s worth to you. I only know of the earlier versions with the cab sides taller than the controls/top, kinda awkward but they looked cool.
I hit them up this morning, no reply yet. Who knows. I figured for $30 even if it’s a dud it’s kinda neat.
Now that I actually looked at that ad, I would say that there’s a good chance that it’s the later solid state version of that model, for whatever that’s worth to you. I only know of the earlier versions with the cab sides taller than the controls/top, kinda awkward but they looked cool.
Good call--the pic was blurry but you're right, it's this solid state version:


Not the tube version:


So the price is about right for it. ;) Bob
Bummer, I was holding out hope there was some cross over in the body/circuits where it could have been a tube :sour:. Still haven’t heard back, so who knows what’s up with it. It’s a pretty small podunk area so being up for 11 days isn’t unbelievable.