GK MB112 vs Traynor SB112


Supporting Member
Aug 27, 2001
I know this is kind of a long shot but has anyone directly compared these two combos? I've tried the GK and it's pretty big sounding for a 200 watt 12" combo amp. I'm wondering how the Traynor compares in overall volume and tone.
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Not an exact comparison but I did compare the head versions of these through an Ampeg 12" cabinet (I don't remember which one). I went with the Traynor, not because of the sound but because of issues in the quality control on the GK unit. It was missing one screw and the front plate was badly aligned. As I recall they both sounded decent. The "out of the box sound on the GK was better" but I could dial in just as good a sound on the Traynor after I figured it out the eq.
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It's been a while since I tried any of the GK combos, and the one(s) I did play through may have been the older models. From what I've read, the "II" version addresses some of the previous QC issues - iirc, they're now manuf in the US - as well as the location of the DI Out. (although occasionally there'll be a comment/thread about some internal rattling caused by a loose screw or something)

I currently own a Traynor SB112. I've brought it to rehearsals/jam sessions with as few as 2 people & to rehearsals with my previous band, which had as many as 8. I've gigged with it in smaller to mid-sized rooms. Using the DI Out, I've even brought it to some outdoor gigs. Will it get as loud as my MB800 or TH500 through a pair of 12s or 15s? No. But you can certainly hear it in a lot of different band settings, especially by using the EQ - frown face, i.e., mid-boost relative to bass/treble.

I've had it for probably 2-3 years now, and haven't had any issues (knock wood). I like its tone better than the Fender Rumble line, and much prefer it to the Ibanez Promethean 115 that I previously owned.

NJ Guitar & Bass Center in Edison, NJ, is a Traynor dealer, and should have both the SB112 & 115 in stock, if you wanted to take a short trip from NYC to check them out.
Never tried the Traynor...,will only add that I have owned my G-K MB 200 since 1985.
I have used it for rehearsals, small venues, & parties.
Everyone usually cannot believe that it is that "loud" for such a small package.
In fact, it will be going out today.

About 15 years back, I did need to replace the speaker. It did not like the B-string but for so long.