Go Make A Difference - song

Hi all,
we've been playing the song Go Make A Difference in our church service. We have piano, bass, percussion, horns, and choir.
I've been trying to come up with a good bass part, but i'm not happy with what I come up with. So I'm looking for inspiration: Do any of you know/play this song? How do you approach it?

First time I hear this song, highly funky and upbeat. Have you tried to incorporate some of the dead notes, muted strumming that the guitar plays? I guess some slap groove with dead notes and pentatonic runs.

Please upload what you re playing.
Hi all,
we've been playing the song Go Make A Difference in our church service. We have piano, bass, percussion, horns, and choir.
I've been trying to come up with a good bass part, but i'm not happy with what I come up with. So I'm looking for inspiration: Do any of you know/play this song? How do you approach it?


I play this song on a regular basis in church and would be happy to talk to you about it. Feel free to PM me.

Also, posting this question in the Praise and Worship thread (in Band Management) will elicit many more responses as well.