Going to the PA with no direct out?


I recentely purchased a Peavey T.B.Raxx Tube Bass Preamp.Sounds great, but the Raxx doesn't have a direct out on it. It has 2 jacks on the back. A high output jack, and a low output jack.

Is their an external device I can buy so that I can send the output of the raxx into the P.A.?

Greg P

P.S. I finally found the preamp that has the sound I was looking for. Nice clean bass tones, and awsome tube overdrive. Incredible overdrive. I highly reccomend this preamp to anyone who is thinking of buying a preamp. It is discontinued but if you find one, check it out.
peavey has the manual for your pre-amp online. go to peavey.com and do a search in the manuals section on raxx.

i think you will need a di - from the block diagram it looks like neither output is isolated, which you need to hook up to a pa and not bet a ground loop happening.

look around for a passive di - you should be able to find a nice one for ~$50.

you wanna see a frustrated guitarist? let a guitarist try to do something useful on one of my basses. _THAT'S_ a frustrated guitarist.
Thanks John,
Yea, just after I posted it, I checked out peavey's site and found the manual. So I would have to get a passive D.I.. Thanks a lot for your help.

I have a question. What exactly is a ground loop?

Thanks for your help
Greg P

P.S. Would I plug the passive D.I. into the low level output?

I have a question. What exactly is a ground loop?

RE:Without getting too technical, a ground loop goes BZZZZZZZZ!You want to avoid it, trust me.

[This message has been edited by reedo35 (edited August 03, 2000).]