Anyone have a good recommendation for something i could stick up high on a pole or tripod for a reasonable cost?
I have a couple older camcorders that have terrible audio (like, completely unusable), and this business of setting up an audio recording device with a mic and/or patching from the soundboard to sync later with video editing just hasn't been working out for me.
Last night I had a stage issue with my rig, forgot to push record on the device in the soundbooth, and had a guy video the whole thing with my crappy little camcorders for nothing because I have no audio to sync....and when I went back to the soundboard to get my stuff, the soundman was overdriving my input on the recorder anyway so it wouldn't have mattered...which is what happened the last time I tried to do it (soundman overdrove my input after we'd set it up, so it was all compressed and distorted)
I can edit a good, wide angle with cropping and motion...i just need one good camera that can handle loud, live sound well that I can stick up on a pole and forget about.
Something fairly compact that won't break the bank
I have a couple older camcorders that have terrible audio (like, completely unusable), and this business of setting up an audio recording device with a mic and/or patching from the soundboard to sync later with video editing just hasn't been working out for me.
Last night I had a stage issue with my rig, forgot to push record on the device in the soundbooth, and had a guy video the whole thing with my crappy little camcorders for nothing because I have no audio to sync....and when I went back to the soundboard to get my stuff, the soundman was overdriving my input on the recorder anyway so it wouldn't have mattered...which is what happened the last time I tried to do it (soundman overdrove my input after we'd set it up, so it was all compressed and distorted)
I can edit a good, wide angle with cropping and motion...i just need one good camera that can handle loud, live sound well that I can stick up on a pole and forget about.
Something fairly compact that won't break the bank