Got a call to play rock music on a yacht...

Someone playing actual Yacht Rock! I was looking forward to it.
I know! Haha. Now I'm just left to wonder what could have been..

Been there, it was fun. Sorry you missed the gig. Come to think of it I played on a paddle wheel job to once to, it would have been more fun to play up on the top deck instead of inside though, but it was already fall and a bit chilly by then.
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CSN's "Southern Cross" is the most yacht-y of all yacht rock songs. The lyrics are pretentious as heck!
First, he name-drops all these cool places he's been, IN HIS YACHT. Brags about how big his YACHT is. ("eighty feet of waterline"). "When you see the southern cross for the first time" it means he's seen it bunches. And don't get me started on the "looking for a woman girl" bits.
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Playing on boats is a gas. Things to know- The stairways are usually super narrow. Can be a tough load in. Pull your wheels out of cabinets, or put cabs on their sides. A 5 degree lean will have your cab rolling away from you. The sun is much more powerful out on water, and you'll burn fast. Load on the sunscreen.
Playing on boats is a gas. Things to know- The stairways are usually super narrow. Can be a tough load in. Pull your wheels out of cabinets, or put cabs on their sides. A 5 degree lean will have your cab rolling away from you. The sun is much more powerful out on water, and you'll burn fast. Load on the sunscreen.

All true. I used to play Boston Harbor Booze Cruises. Boats do pitch, so everything needs to be battened down, especially PA speakers on stands. For the booze cruises, everything--I mean everything--has to be battened down because drunk people are going to fall into the band, no matter what. No stage, not even a riser, so there's nothing between you and them. And getting smashed is the reason every single person on that boat is there. We did a few dozen of them, and I still think it is miraculous that while people staggered all over pedalboards, no one ever puked on them. Also: Boston Harbor, in particular, features a lot of tall buildings that block the wind. When you are not in front of one of them, your sound literally blows away. Very bizarre feeling.