Greetings from middle Georgia

Good afternoon, my name is Steve and I've been lurking here off and on for awhile. Usually it's when I have googled for information in regards to a bass-related topic, and Talkbass seems to be the go-to place for answers. I started playing 6 string at church back in about 2018. But we had 2 6 string players and no bass player, so they asked me if I would be willing to learn to play bass. So i borrowed a bass for a few weeks, then I bought a new BB234. I'm playing at a different church now, but I'm still playing that bass on Sunday mornings (hoping to upgrade soon...more on that later). I also play acoustic on Thursday evenings at a different church.
When I started teaching myself to play bass, I quickly realized that playing bass helped my acoustic playing, and vice versa. I learned the fretboard more quickly since I couldn't just play in A, C, D, E, or G and capo up. Then I started noticing note positions in relation to the root. That led me to learn the number system, and once I had that down, I no longer freaked out when we changed keys at the last minute.
Just in the past couple of months, i've been playing by ear and feel more than before. I always read tab for everything and was hesitant to leave the safety of that. But I read something not long ago that sounds so simple but has made a big difference in my playing: don't listen to yourself, listen to everyone else. I think more than anything that helped get me out of my head a little bit.
Anyway, to make a long story longer, I'll just say that I'm confident that I will learn from and enjoy being on talkbass. I hope I can be of benefit to others as well. Blessings.
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