Grounding pole pieces; Better conducting adhesive shielding?

Jan 2, 2004
Bettendorf, Ia
While I've grounded pole pieces successfully on other pickups before with no problem, for whatever reason the conductive adhesive on the roll of StewMac tape I currently have won't work with either my Lollar J's or P pole pieces.

I've cleaned the surface of the magnets with alcohol & naptha and I've burnished the living heck out of the tape but when I check for continuity with my multi-meter it's a no go. Occasionally I can get a one or two pole pieces to ground d but never all of them. The StewMac tape does have continuity when I tape it to itself shielding control cavities.

Is there a better conductive adhesive shielding than the StewMac? Do I have a bad roll or does anyone have any other tips? I can't recall where I got the shielding I used in the past but had no issues making that work.
I've run into this, too, and believe the pole pieces are coated with a non-conducting corrosion inhibitor.
Thanks for response, I was wondering about that very same thing. I've found some work arounds like sticking a thin strip of the non adhesive side facing up, in contact with the magnets and holding it in place with some more copper shielding but after a few years the adhesive seems to dry out and it works loose.
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