So anyway, I've been looking for a duplicate 2 X 10 cabinet to complete my setup. Lo and behold, I found the one I'm after on the Guitar Center website used listings, and placed my order online for shipment from the store in California that had it to the GC closest to me.
It was listed as a 1 X 15 on the website, but the photograph was of a 2 X 10, so I called before ordering to confirm that, yes, it wasn't what was listed, but what was pictured. OK, so far, so good. Two weeks (!) after placing the order, the thing finally arrived, and I headed out to the store to plug in and check it out.
I play with my current cabinet turned up on its short side, and so I did the same with this cabinet before plugging in. What to my wondering ears should appear but a "clunk-clunk-clunk" of something heavy rolling around inside the cabinet. Seriously, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? A few more test turns, a few more heavy clunks . . . Onward!
After plugging in the budget short-scale bass they handed me, and in the process producing that elusive detuned elephant-fart tone that so many bass players strive for, I switched out for a new Fender Jazz and played a bit, before the Golden Moment of Duh arrived, as in, "No way in hell am I going to pay near-new prices for a cabinet that has at least one heavy object rolling around inside of it."
The refund process took just a minute and the guy I worked with couldn't have been more accommodating, but did anybody even check this thing before they shipped it out? Did anyone even notice? Geez Louise . . .
It was listed as a 1 X 15 on the website, but the photograph was of a 2 X 10, so I called before ordering to confirm that, yes, it wasn't what was listed, but what was pictured. OK, so far, so good. Two weeks (!) after placing the order, the thing finally arrived, and I headed out to the store to plug in and check it out.
I play with my current cabinet turned up on its short side, and so I did the same with this cabinet before plugging in. What to my wondering ears should appear but a "clunk-clunk-clunk" of something heavy rolling around inside the cabinet. Seriously, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? A few more test turns, a few more heavy clunks . . . Onward!
After plugging in the budget short-scale bass they handed me, and in the process producing that elusive detuned elephant-fart tone that so many bass players strive for, I switched out for a new Fender Jazz and played a bit, before the Golden Moment of Duh arrived, as in, "No way in hell am I going to pay near-new prices for a cabinet that has at least one heavy object rolling around inside of it."
The refund process took just a minute and the guy I worked with couldn't have been more accommodating, but did anybody even check this thing before they shipped it out? Did anyone even notice? Geez Louise . . .