Guys, MF stupid sale of the day: fender Special edition Sea Foam

Bought one and retuned it within 2 days. Jazz pickup is so weak its useless, P pickup isn't much better (very dull and lifeless tone) neck has a sticky finish, terrible fret ends and bent neck...the Squier Affinity PJ I bought for $199 came much nicer. I would not buy one of these sight unseen. There is a good reason GC and MF keep putting these on sale, trying to get rid of them Im sure. Mine was a 2016 that had been in GC forever.
Bought one and retuned it within 2 days. Jazz pickup is so weak its useless, P pickup isn't much better (very dull and lifeless tone) neck has a sticky finish, terrible fret ends and bent neck...the Squier Affinity PJ I bought for $199 came much nicer. I would not buy one of these sight unseen. There is a good reason GC and MF keep putting these on sale, trying to get rid of them Im sure. Mine was a 2016 that had been in GC forever.
I Fully agree.
Bought one and retuned it within 2 days. Jazz pickup is so weak its useless, P pickup isn't much better (very dull and lifeless tone) neck has a sticky finish, terrible fret ends and bent neck...the Squier Affinity PJ I bought for $199 came much nicer. I would not buy one of these sight unseen. There is a good reason GC and MF keep putting these on sale, trying to get rid of them Im sure. Mine was a 2016 that had been in GC forever.
Got one as blemished for 450$.Its the worse bass i had for reasons you stated and more.A pickup swap didnt save it either.
Bought one and retuned it within 2 days. Jazz pickup is so weak its useless, P pickup isn't much better (very dull and lifeless tone) neck has a sticky finish, terrible fret ends and bent neck...the Squier Affinity PJ I bought for $199 came much nicer. I would not buy one of these sight unseen. There is a good reason GC and MF keep putting these on sale, trying to get rid of them Im sure. Mine was a 2016 that had been in GC forever.

That's exactly why this is a stupid deal. These things are dogs with a capital d.

It isn't even really seafoam green. It's 50s laminate countertop green.
P/J pickups (looks like the J is in the 70's position, closer to the bridge?) and a J neck on a P body.

There must be people that have been waiting for this exact bass.

I think they sold a ton of them initially. There was quite a few raves on TB singing their praises which is how I ended up trying a couple out. My old MIM jazz from the 90s is leagues apart from this thing.
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Very nice, always loved that color. Looks good with the white guard and maple neck but I think it would really pop with a rosewood neck. (I just prefer rosewood necks personally :smug:)
Bought one and retuned it within 2 days. Jazz pickup is so weak its useless, P pickup isn't much better (very dull and lifeless tone) neck has a sticky finish, terrible fret ends and bent neck...the Squier Affinity PJ I bought for $199 came much nicer. I would not buy one of these sight unseen. There is a good reason GC and MF keep putting these on sale, trying to get rid of them Im sure. Mine was a 2016 that had been in GC forever.

Don't like to kick something when it's already down, but I returned mine in just one day. Somebody went nuts with the poly finish on the neck. It wasn't just sticky, it was creepy.