Halfround strings in Drop C?

Nov 22, 2015

I know halfrounds have more tension than roundwounds I have mostly been using, but I'm not sure what gauge to get. I occasionally play some 16th notes with a pick so I'm trying to avoid unnecessary floppiness.

I'm playing a longscale bass which has a hipshot birdge with strings through body. If I set the strings through the body do I need extra long scale strings? Is it also true, that stringing through the body creates more tension?

I've been looking at the D'addario halfrounds and the GHS pressurewounds. Any other hybrid flat/round strings I should look into? I'm looking for that low mid growl.

Thanks for the help!
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I know halfrounds have more tension than roundwounds I have mostly been using, but I'm not sure what gauge to get. I occasionally play some 16th notes with a pick so I'm trying to avoid unnecessary floppiness.

I'm playing a longscale bass which has a hipshot birdge with strings through body. If I set the strings through the body do I need extra long scale strings? Is it also true, that stringing through the body creates more tension?

Half-rounds as a category do not have more tension than rounds as a category. Tension of a string is a product of how thick it is, how long the speaking section is and what note it is tuned to.

"Long scale" and "extra long scale" don't actually mean anything. To get the right strings you need to know the ball-end to taper measurement in inches of the bass and of the string brand. Each brand can be different.

Stringing through body does not change the number of pounds of pull required to get a string to pitch.
Half-rounds as a category do not have more tension than rounds as a category. Tension of a string is a product of how thick it is, how long the speaking section is and what note it is tuned to.

"Long scale" and "extra long scale" don't actually mean anything. To get the right strings you need to know the ball-end to taper measurement in inches of the bass and of the string brand. Each brand can be different.

Stringing through body does not change the number of pounds of pull required to get a string to pitch.
Thanks for clearing that up, lz4005!

Does anyone have any recommendations for non-nickel halfwound strings that would have enough tension in drop C? I'm currently using 120-90-70-50 Lo-Rider set but I've heard that the for example the D'addario Half Rounds have a lot more tension compared to those.