Double Bass Hand amputee playing bluegrass style upright bass?


Mar 17, 2017
My daughter is a right hand amputee. She would like to play the upright bass, and is leaning towards bluegrass styles. Does anyone out there play as a hand amputee? Is it possible?
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Where there is will there is a way! She will need to figure out a way to pull/pluck the string with her right hand, possibly with the use of a prosthetic. I'm not sure if she has a prosthetic already that may be able to be used, or get a custom prosthetic made to accomplish this purpose.

It may be helpful(possibly essential) to recruit an upright bass teacher in your locale to assist with working out her personal method. This is definitely possible! My brain is now spinning brainstorming solutions for you :) Exciting stuff.
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Adrian Anantawan is an amazing performer, educator, and speaker who I had the opportunity to meet and work with briefly this year. He is one of the most inspirational and generous people I have ever met, and it was fantastic to have a chance to play with him, hear him speak, and have some time to talk to him and pick his brain a bit. He also has a congenital limb difference and uses a prosthetic to hold his bow. Both the prosthetic, and the aircraft aluminum that it connects with on his bow has been through a few different designs over the years, and I believe he has even shared the design with others who would find it helpful.

There is a contact page on his website.

He would be a fantastic person to connect with. Although the violin and double bass are different and figuring out a pizz vs. arco solution presents a different set of challenges, Adrian has networked with and spent a lot of time working with a variety of musicians with limb differences, amputations, injuries, etc. who have benefited from an adapted approach to instrumental music. If he does not personally have suggestions or resources, I am sure he would be able to connect you with the right people/organizations to help.
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I do agree with where there’s a will there’s a way and to support her in doing this because she can.

I’d also like to suggest though that she may get frustrated in how her physiology limits her on the instrument. If she is interested in music why not take up trumpet as well which would probably not be limited? I wish that I had taken up more instruments when I was young.
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