Double Bass Harley Benton EUB endpin rubber broken

May 31, 2013
I bought Harley Benton EUB recently.
Today I noticed, that endpin rubber "broke" and metal tube is visible (see attached photos).
I am afraid to damage my wooden floor.

Can you advice any solution to this problem? Metal tube is about 19 milimeters (3/4 inch) in diameter so I do not think there is any double bass endpin solution, that will fit.


My suggestion would be the same . The end of a walking stick or one of those telescopic walking poles that hikers use . Thomann has a great customer services department , have you tried giving them an email ?
A decent hardware store should have something suitable (in the $1 range), you might even find something at a diy market. Or indeed something for a cane or a walking stick. It should fit tight, 18mm would stretch to 19mm with some convincing; try not to use tape.

When you have a suitable rubber, first put a steel ring with OD about 19mm (the OD of the end pin) in it. Alternatively use a coin, or force some wood in it. The idea is to spread the load to prevent recurrence.

Or fit something inside your end pin, ID=?17?mm.
If you are in USA or Canada go to and type "rubber tips" into the search bar. You will have to buy several and pay shipping, but per part it will be way cheaper than HD, and your problem will be solved for at least a decade!
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I have a Palatino with a similar end pin. I found a crutch or cane tip that fits over what's left of the stock one.

When you have a suitable rubber, first put a steel ring with OD about 19mm (the OD of the end pin) in it. Alternatively use a coin, or force some wood in it. The idea is to spread the load to prevent recurrence.

A washer works well.
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