Hello friends.
I'm trying to better understand functional harmony, and the nuances between Harmonic Minor's function (secondary dominants) and Melodic Minor (altered sounds and lydian dominant sounds for tritone subs.)
Any help would be appreciated. Question numbers correspond to the large RED numbers in the image:
1) This is a HIGH LEVEL question for all minor tunes with this vibe, like Alone Together, or Softly as in a Morning Sunrise: Do I treat D Minor as the Minor ONE chord of D Harmonic Minor (throughout)? Or do still need to think of it as the vi chord of F Major? I prefer to think of all those minor ii Vs as MINOR ii Vs, as opposed to vii chord (Eø) and a secondary Dominant (A7b9) of vi (D-). When thinking about roman numerals, D is i, correct? not vi?
2) G-7 here (second bar of first ending) is functionally the iv-7 chord of D (Harmonic) Minor, correct? NOT the ii chord (Dorian) of F Major? (same question as question 1, I suppose).
3) Because it's a Dom7 chord a half-step away, this feels like a Tritone Sub for the V of V (Bb7 instead of E7). The #11 (E natural) is in the melody, so it's safe to treat this Bb7 as Bb7#11? (as it is in the last line?) (Using Lydian Dominant for a Tritone Sub instead of Mixo b2 b6)
4) Where does this chord comes from? It feels like it comes from outer space. Is this borrowing the IV7#11 chord from D Melodic Minor before hopping back into D Harmonic Minor? Melody plays a b3 and nat 3 over it. AND I can think of the next chord Eø7 as G-6/E, so the motion is functionally G7/6 to G-6?
5) Are we borrowing this B7 as a secondary dominant from D MAJOR harmony or D Melodic Minor? (where the vi-7 switches to VI Dom7). In D Harmonic Minor, the IV chord is a Maj7, and it's a Half Dim in Melodic Minor.
I'd normally ask my instructor, but I'm currently not taking lessons with anyone, so I need to ask the hive mind.