has the magic bullet fret grime disipator been discovered yet?

Dec 11, 2008
Honolulu, Hawaii
we know solvents like alcohol aren't good for finishes and I'm not keen on dark gunk seeping further into the wood along the slots, what can make the micro-crud disappear instantly or emulsify and draw it out for removal? I've acquired an old maple fretboard which isn't in bad shape but it's someone else's DNA and it wasn't Jaco, I'd like it to look new again at those points.
I saw a YT video a while back where they cleaned up a 20 y/o Peavey guitar that had never even been in the same room as a clean cloth or steel wool.

I was impressed.

I have not used the product myself as I tend to stay ahead of the grunge monster.
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I've had good luck with naptha and an old toothbrush. I do this when I'm doing fretwork anyway, so a bit of dirt isn't an issue. I tend to re-oil the wood (if it is rosewood) after using naptha as it is quite harsh on the oils in the wood.
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