Help a Non-Bass player out...


Jan 14, 2016
Hi there!

Let it be noted that I am a guitar player. I have some powered monitors (KRK) and cheap mixer that I use with a digital modeling preamp (Digitech GSP1101). It is basically for some recording and practice. I am mostly a hobbyist these days. That said, I would like to learn the bass as well. I don't need a full on rig and I would like to incorporate what I have around.

Therefore, I am hoping to go direct and just plug a bass into the mixer and use the powered speakers for sound. Will this work? With active pickups, I am guessing that it will be okay, but with passives, I suppose I would need a DI of some sort. I am thinking about getting something with actives anyhow, like a Stingray or one of those older Peavey Cirrus models.

Any suggestions for someone that fancies playing the bass but doesn't need a live rig?
The mixer becomes the DI for all intents and purposes. Plug your bass (active or passive) into the mixer and adjust the input gain accordingly. Run the powered monitors off of the mixers outputs. Done. It'll work fine. Don't push things too hard as most monitors aren't really up to the task of handling bass amplification at high volumes.
I practice through my studio monitors all the time. I also record bass tracks sometimes through a 5w guitar amp with a 6" speaker.

As was already said, Just pay very close attention to the speakers and don't push them any harder than they can safely handle - they will tell you when they're not happy.

You'll be fine.