I've recently noticed an audible (to me, and probably to a mic as well) "click" coming from my middle finger in pizz playing that is absent from my index and from doubled-finger pizz. The only thing that's changed over the last few weeks has been me raising the string height at the bridge and the board getting a better dressing (Williams in Nashville). So I'm attributing it to this big dry callus I've got on the middle. Same on the index but that one isn't clicking. What should I do? This is happening with normal fingers angled downward pizz reststrokes, but I put it in Technique anyway because I'm looking for a way to rid myself of it that doesn't compromise technique. I don't think it was happening earlier --I certainly don't remember hearing it before-- and no reasonable temporary (on the fly) RH adjustment is helping. My teacher won't be back in town for a couple of weeks.
Full disclosure: I have long, skinny fingers, middle is almost 3/4" longer than index, and my nails are connected to skin up to within about 1/8" of the very tip of each finger (only so much nail to cut off, IOW) so it's difficult enough as it is to make my two-fingered sound approximate my doubled finger sound. This isn't helping. I could slice off the callus, but I'd really, really rather not. Is there a way to soften them without loosening them?
Originally, I thought the nail itself was the problem, so I cut it as short as I could without it being sensitive or risking an ingrowth. That didn't change anything. This is beginning to bug me so much that I'm willing to try darker strings to get rid of it (currently Zyex medium). It doesn't seem to be an issue in a setting with other musicians, but I know it's there.
Full disclosure: I have long, skinny fingers, middle is almost 3/4" longer than index, and my nails are connected to skin up to within about 1/8" of the very tip of each finger (only so much nail to cut off, IOW) so it's difficult enough as it is to make my two-fingered sound approximate my doubled finger sound. This isn't helping. I could slice off the callus, but I'd really, really rather not. Is there a way to soften them without loosening them?
Originally, I thought the nail itself was the problem, so I cut it as short as I could without it being sensitive or risking an ingrowth. That didn't change anything. This is beginning to bug me so much that I'm willing to try darker strings to get rid of it (currently Zyex medium). It doesn't seem to be an issue in a setting with other musicians, but I know it's there.