Help finding a volume knob that will fit

Hey everyone,

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I purchased this volume pot and installed it on my P bass only to find that my volume knob doesn't fit on the shaft. Can someone steer me in the right direction towards one that'll fit? Ideally it would be pink or black but I'll take anything that'll fit at this point.

Thanks in advance!
Pots normally have one of three kinds of shafts, coarse spline, fine spline and smooth. Smooth is obvious and requires a knob with a set screw. The packaging for the pot should tell you if it is coarse or fine splined. Or, you can take a look at the knob vs pot if they are both have splines. Either way you should be able to find what you want.
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I tried a quick check online but all the sites I looked at just reprinted the same description in your link. No one specifically lists the shaft size. Since it’s Fender branded and your old knob didn’t fit over the shaft I’m guessing that’s a 1/4” coarse knurled potentiometer and your old one was 6mm which is slightly smaller. You’d want to look for 1/4” knobs. Ideally splined to match the pot. You can use a 1/4” knob with a set screw but I’d recommend filling the split with a small piece of credit card or something that will keep the split from mashing down and breaking when you tighten the set screw.