UPDATE: This is finally solved! I have to say that GK is an incredible company!! They knew I bought a used 10-year-old amp, but still gave me a lot of service. I make a lot of purchase decisions based on customer service. This is right up there with the best service I’ve seen. I have full confidence in dealing with this company in the future.
I was quite befuddled when I received my new preamp and multiple parts did not make sense
. I actually thought they sent me some wrong parts, was quite surprised how much I got for the money. Of course it had gone through multiple revisions over the years. I needed help! GK got one of their techs, who took apart an existing amp and gave me detailed photos and instructions. So much of the layout of the circuitboard had changed that it wasn’t easy to see how it went together.
Here’s a picture of the assembled preamp connected to the power ramp. Above that is my old preamp and all the other parts that came out.
$59 USD to replace all that is not bad at all. The one annoying part was UPS. Many Americans don’t realize that when you ship UPS, they charge about $35 Canadian just to clear customs. I ended up paying about $105 USD total after shipping and brokerage. But all in all this isn’t bad! Especially when I didn’t have to pay a repair person to do any of the work. Mind you, I’ve repaired a lot myself, don’t mind getting my hands dirty, and figuring things out. With how much I spent on the 2 amps I’m still really happy.
When I had it all assembled, I had another scare! Strange chirpings were coming out of the amp, like dial Internet. I was really dismayed for a couple of days. Then I got to thinking that my plug-in might just have a bad ground. I moved the amp to a different plug-in and everything was nice and quiet.
Except… Some crazy rattle when I was playing at moderate volume. I thought maybe a speaker cone was blown. Well, after some more problem-solving, it was another non-issue. The grill for the horn had come loose and got wedged between the speaker cover and the cabinet
. I glued that in place and decided I would tighten everything while I was in there. This is one serious amp! Very well built. Solid materials on the inside. Baffles and channels to tune and direct sound.
What I also noticed is their care and the attention and areas that customers would never see. Even something as simple as the GK logo. First off, it’s heavy duty! To make sure it doesn’t rattle, there are 3 bolts with 3 nuts and 3 lock washers. Who does that? Most of the time it’s a crappy logo just glued on that falls off easily. You can yank on this and it doesn’t move!!
So… Sound test. Holy smokes can this thing go loud!! And it retains definition!! I’ve got a 6 string Dingwall Combustion bass. I can play complex higher triad chords with some low drop A droning And it all comes through. Now, a good part of that is the bass. But we all know that a crappy amp can ruin a great bass. I’m so happy that I could play loud and clear.., and thumping!!!
Thanks again to the people here who directed me to call GK. It took a while, but this is ended very well.