Help : identify Dusty Hill's new pickup

Jun 25, 2019
On this tour, Dusty Hill switched his Seymour Duncan 51 P-bass stack pickup for a new one. Do you know which brand/model is this ? One thing is certain : it sounds great !

I think I see a row of poles towards the back. So like Gibson mini humbuckers, like ctmullins suggested.

What's really interesting is the pickup position, it's morel like a Cabronita than a Tele/51P. Maybe even slightly further back. A good place for a humbucker imo.

Edit: just noticed that right under his right hand, there appears to be another pickup right at the neck, hidden under a cover painted like the bass. Or maybe it's just a cover for an empty pickup rout from experimenting...
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It is a Bolin. JB (John Bolin) built about 90% of the basses Dusty played. I’m fortunate enough to own 2 JB Basses. In the past, JB commented the guitar techs for Dusty and Billy would often experiment and change out pickups looking for the perfect “ZZ” sound or the sound they were looking for that specific show.