help me choose a string


Kibble, milkbones, and P Basses. And redheads.
Oct 22, 2003
I've been playing for about 35 years - most of the time with a Fender Jazz. My string of choice during that period was Rotosound Swing Steels. I have a Precision, and have been trying to find a string I like. I want to stick with round wounds, but something with a warmer sound - the swing steels can sound harsh on a P. This bass is used mostly to play rock and blues - some jazz as well.

I tried Sunbeams (same gauge - 45-105), and while I like the sound, they felt too floppy. I much prefer the feel of the Rotos. So where do I go? I want a round wound on the warmer side, but with the feel of the Roto swings with regards to stiffness.

I was considering Roto nickels, and a friend suggested DR nickel low riders. Suggestions???
I want to stick with round wounds, but something with a warmer sound...

I tried Sunbeams (same gauge - 45-105), and while I like the sound, they felt too floppy.... ...I want a round wound on the warmer side, but with the feel of the Roto swings with regards to stiffness.

I was considering Roto nickels, and a friend suggested DR nickel low riders. Suggestions???

I second the recommendation for the DR Nickel Lo-Riders.

I had the same experience with the Sunbeams 45-105; as much as my left hand loved the flexibility and suppleness of the round core for easy fretting, my right hand preferred the stiffness of the Lo-Riders for not being too floppy under the plucking fingers.

I also liked the way the LRs had punchier low-mids and somewhat subdued top end compared to the SBs. You will also find the LRs smoother in texture than the Rotos.
If you're still interesting in exploring round core strings, try Fodera NPS or GHS Round Core Boomers. Both will have tension in the realm of most hex core strings and wont be floppy like Sunbeams.
I was considering Roto nickels, and a friend suggested DR nickel low riders. Suggestions???
Yes. If you like Roto Swingbass, I would try the Roto Nickels first. GHS Pressurewounds are also a good choice if you don't want to go all the way to flats or nylon tapes just yet. The Pressurewounds are a little twangy when first mounted, but when they settle in they have a nice round tone.
If you like the sound of Sunbeams then I'd suggest Nickel Lo Riders. The Nickel Lo Riders are my string of choice and have sounded fantastic on every bass I've put them on but I did give the Sunbeams a try once. I found the sound to be pretty similar to the Lo Riders but they were noticeably more flexible feeling to me and I prefer a stiffer feeling string. So I stuck with the Lo Riders.