Double Bass Help me identify these double bass strings!

I don't know if this the correct place to post this treath, but I will be very appreciated if someone can help me:hyper:.
I bought an used Strunal 3/4 double bass that came with these strings. Doing some research I found that according to the tailpiece end color, these will be Evah Pirazzi Mittel, but the colours on the peg end doesn´t match with the info on Pirastr's web: My G string:smug: is black, My D is red, My A is green and my E string is blue.
As I will be selling this set in order to get some Pirazzi Slaps!, I would like to confirm the exact model .



According to Pirastro:


Thanks! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
I've just asked the moderator to move this to the "Double Bass" side. ;)


I don't think those are Evah Pirazzi, though the tailpiece silk looks almost right. They could be the factory strings that came with the bass, in which case they will likely not have a brand or name that we can come up with.

Maybe someone else will.chime in with additional perspective.
They seem to be Evahs, but mixed.
The E appears to be solo-gauge (F#4, blue silk)
Not sure about the A. If it's yellow, then it's a solo-gauge. (B3 or H3)
The D looks normal. (red?)
The G is not obvious. If it's brown, the it's the regular, but if it's gray, it's solo-gauge. (A1)
Ah! Nice spotting, Francois. I stand corrected. I was surprised because usually those "factory strings NOS" don't look that much like Pirastro tail-end silks.

It is odd that someone would set up with solo strings, except for the D. @gabrielolortiga Does the D feel stiffer than the others?
If the D is the only non-solo string it might be worth replacing it with one before you buy the Slap set, just to see if that works for you on your bass. I can only imagine what having one string in the middle that much extra tension might be like.