Help me identify what Fretboard wood this is?


Jun 20, 2013
This is the fretboard to my new build using Madagascar Ebony. What do the wood experts think about the quality of this piece?
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It's supposed to be Madagascar Ebony.
Have only heard of "Madagascar Ebony" as an errant interpretation of "Macassar Ebony", which is an actual variety of ebony - this is much more likely to have been what was selected/ordered. Macassar is rarely all black and has lots of grey, taupe, brown, bluish coloration in it. The piece above is a beauty in my view, as it has straight grain in line with the shape of the fretboard, and the streaking even matches some of the colouration of the inlays. Nice neck there in them pics... :)
Have only heard of "Madagascar Ebony" as an errant interpretation of "Macassar Ebony", which is an actual variety of ebony - this is much more likely to have been what was selected/ordered. Macassar is rarely all black and has lots of grey, taupe, brown, bluish coloration in it. The piece above is a beauty in my view, as it has straight grain in line with the shape of the fretboard, and the streaking even matches some of the colouration of the inlays. Nice neck there in them pics... :)

Some years back, LMII used to sell Madagascar ebony as well as Macassar ebony. The Madagascar ebony was almost pure black, very hard and dense, and expensive. Beautiful wood; I used to buy it from them 15 years ago. There are many individual sub-species of ebony and, these days, most of the pure black ebonies that are still available are more generally referred to as West African ebony, which comes from Cameroon. LMII explains on their site that their supply of Madagascar ebony is gone, and they won't be able to get any more until some certifiable supplier is established in Madagascar.

Meanwhile Macassar ebony is a bit softer, and has a lot of color and striping. The supply of it is much more stable, and the pricing is reasonable. I like it, and have been using it for about 12 years on almost all of the basses I build.
Whatever it is it is gorgeous, especially with the abalone blocks, that combo is my absolute fave and I ordered it as such on my custom Kiesel that is arriving tomorrow!!!

This is the bass I'm having built but with the Ebony fretboard and Abolone Blocks and will also have the Abolone Binding on neck and Headstock. It will be exact finish but double cut instead of single. It will have the USA Dual Soap Barts.
