Help me with my Beat Buddy please!

Oct 7, 2000
New York City
Endorsing artist: Musicman basses
I have what might seem like a strange request... :).

I was one of the first to buy a BB. Purchased it through Kickstarter (or whatever fundraiser was used). When I got it, I hooked it up, got the extension switches, played with it for a couple of weeks, LOVED IT, then put it away.

I haven't touched it since.

Now I have some sort of problem pulling it back out again, as ridiculous as that might sound. I'm a pretty busy guy and just don't have the head to figure out all I need to do. I know that right before I packed it away there was a free software update, with newer better sounds - I know there was a website, with a forum, with uploads of songs, and yada yada yada yada... I'm overwhelmed with what I'm going to have to do to get this thing up and running again to the best of it's abilities.

I don't even remember the website, and don't know if I can find the user manual.

My request. With all due humility and a touch of embarrassment, I ask the favor of someone walking me through this with links and stuff...

Do I need to upgrade?
Is the upgrade still free?
Is there a new site with downloads?
Where is the computer download for programming this?
Online user manual?

Any tips?

What have I missed as far as updates and stuff over the past several years?

All that stuff!