Help! My Yorkville combo died on a gig!

Mar 13, 2003
Grim Cold Québec
Yup, that's right, my trusty Yorkville XM200 combo died in the middle of a gig. No magic smoke, no preliminary symptoms. I was able to finish the gig by going direct though, so it was OK.

The next day, I opened up the head and changed the fuse, new fuse blew up right away. What's going on with that sucka?

Transformers vary rarely go bad, and even if they do $65 won't cover it. I know, as I had a transformer in my SVT 3PRO go up in smoke last weekend. The transformer alone will set me back $350.

In your case I'll bet it's an output transistor.
When your fuse blew each time did it turn black or have a black spot or ring around the fuse? If so that shows there's a direct short in an output device. Take it to a shop and tell the tech you want a list of the parts that went bad.
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