Sorry if this seems a silly question, but how does one secure/protect a pre-amp circuitboard inside a body cavity?

I’ve only ever build passive instruments, but my recent build uses a Stinger 77 active pre amp.

Will it create grounding issues and stop it working if the circuitboard touch shielding?

Can I use foam pads (like under pickups) to keep the circuit board snug?

If you haven’t guessed, I’ve never seen inside an active guitar, and struggling to find relevant source material online.
put it in a small zip lock bag. If you use foam make sure it is not conductive foam like antistatic foam etc. or two pieces of thin cardboard one on bottom and one on top (or thin plastic) and tape it together. If nothing on top of board is conductive then perhaps one piece of insulation on bottom is sufficient. You can use an ohmeter (put it on the highest setting) and put the probes against the foam about 1/4” apart. It should read infinite (open) if it is not conductive. Non conductive foam would be your best bet now that I think of it. do not touch both the metal of the probes at the same time (one is ok) as it will read through your body.
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I have velcroed the preamps before right to the pots. I do not solder anything to the pot bodies, but if the snot you have on it is reasonably small, you can still Velcro to it. I use this kind of dual-lock type.
If there is enough room in the cavity, you can Velcro right to the shielding. The battery can just be folded in thin foam.
put it in a small zip lock bag. If you use foam make sure it is not conductive foam like antistatic foam etc. or two pieces of thin cardboard one on bottom and one on top (or thin plastic) and tape it together. If nothing on top of board is conductive then perhaps one piece of insulation on bottom is sufficient. You can use an ohmeter (put it on the highest setting) and put the probes against the foam about 1/4” apart. It should read infinite (open) if it is not conductive. Non conductive foam would be your best bet now that I think of it. do not touch both the metal of the probes at the same time (one is ok) as it will read through your body.

a ziplock bag, that’s genius! I might use two, one over the circuit, then another over that one filled with foam.