how do you slap and tap bass

welcome to TalkBass Forum softballchickie87. Well.. im no Slap/tap/Pluck expert, but I can KINDA tell you how to Slap/Pluck.. i dunno if im doing it right, but anyways.

1) open your hand
2) make a thumbs up fist just with the fingers 2,3,4,5 opened a little bit
3) then with your thumb, just slap the E string or whatever string you want to slap
4) then with the finger 2(index), pull the string (D or G string)

when you slap the E, try to let go of the string in an instant. like "pow" don't rest your thumb on the E.

I dunno if this is any help but...> Im not really slapper :)

Im sorry if i couldn't help
This is a lil hard to explain in writing but i'll do my best.

1.) keep your wrist loose & relaxed (if you stiffin up youll never do it) keep your other fingers in a curled positon so you will be able to use them to reach under the other strings usually the D&G to pull them up or "POP" them

2.) using the side of your thumb (i use the part between the knuckle and tip of the thumb) strike the string, do this somewhere near the bottom of the neck where it joins the body. Make sure you let your thumb bounce off the string.

3.) Practice doing this in scales acending and decending.

Once you get that down, practice Popping

Stu Hamm makes an excellent for slapping, Its titled "Slap, Pop, and Tap For The Electric Bass.

I hope this was of some use to you, I just know how to do it and never really tried teaching it.
Originally posted by softballchickie87
yeah i have a few friends that paly the bass and are girls so its really cool!

IMO, what's really cool, Lisa, is that you have started playing bass so young! I didn't start until I was almost 30! If you really stick with it, by the time you are my age ( :( I feel so old!, well not TOO old ;) ) you will be awesome! :D

By the way, welcome to talkbass, to you and GlassBullet.