How does the Fender rumble 40 studio Compare to the real thing?

with the fender rumble 40 studio, you can supposedly emulate the sounds of a super bassman and other very high end fender bass amps, and i was just wondering how the emulated digital sounds compared to the actual amps. My friend has a marshall code 100 for his guitar, and that is an emulation amp, and it sounds awful, sounds very thin and not good at all, so i was wondering if the same goes for this bass amp.
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with the fender rumble 40 studio, you can supposedly emulate the sounds of a super bassman and other very high end fender bass amps, and i was just wondering how the emulated digital sounds compared to the actual amps. My friend has a marshall code 100 for his guitar, and that is an emulation amp, and it sounds awful, sounds very thin and not good at all, so i was wondering if the same goes for this bass amp.
I have the Studio 40, but have never played through a Super Bassman.
I can tell you however, that I like how it sounds on the Super Bassman setting.

For what sounds awful, do you mean it doesn't do a good job of recreating whatever it is supposed to emulate, or is the audio just bad, as in distorted or has lots of artifacts or some other non-emulation problems? Is it just a crappy amp?

I believe that any amp intended to do emulation service had better be damned clean on it's own to begin with. You can't fix crap by adding other crap to it. (Well in the case of actual crap, you can... :poop:;)).
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the amp just sounded crappy and thin in general and its made me doubt digital amps in general, so i guess i just need some conformation. have you played any solid state fender bass amps like a rumble 15/25/40, if so how does it compare to them?
with the fender rumble 40 studio, you can supposedly emulate the sounds of a super bassman and other very high end fender bass amps, and i was just wondering how the emulated digital sounds compared to the actual amps. ... ... ....

The Studio 40 has 15 amp models. You’d probably get better answers if you asked about a specific amp model, as there are different opinions about all of them. You could drop by this thread: Fender Rumble LT25, Studio 40 & Stage 800

Hello, Flum. Welcome to TalkBass. It's a great place to talk about bass! :laugh:

Of course, you can get opinions all over the map about any piece of gear. But, the only opinion that really counts, in the end, is yours! So, you'll never really know until you try it for yourself. Browsing the Rumble Studio 40 & Stage 800 manual to see what all it can do, and how, is a good start if you're thinking about one. Otherwise, you can only get a sampling of various opinions here. :D

In that linked thread that Jakob posted, Fender Rumble LT25, Studio 40 & Stage 800, I haven't seen anyone who is familiar with all the many amps, cabs and effects that those amps model, but most there say they do a good imitation of the ones they do know. I enjoy my Rumble Studio 40 just as much, if not more, than my Rumble 500 combo and my Bassman 500 w/115 Neo cab. I also enjoy my Line 6 Variax modeling bass, and other more traditional basses, too. And I enjoy my Fender Cyber-Deluxe guitar amp and others with my 6-string guitars. I find the many modeled sounds (though not all!) to be very entertaining and adjustable enough to get great tones out of them! Basically, I prefer modeling amps to spending thousands on multiple amps and pedals. :cool:

And there are several Rumblers who gig their Studio 40s and, especially, their Stage 800s, which have the exact same preamp with a much more powerful power amp. We love carefully crafting many different bass tones for many different songs to give our sets more variety and interest. But, if you're comfortable setting one tone for a whole gig, then these probably aren't for you. :smug:

Feel free to ask questions in that Studio & Stage thread, if you wish. It's a very friendly group. Good luck. :)
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the amp just sounded crappy and thin in general and its made me doubt digital amps in general, so i guess i just need some conformation. have you played any solid state fender bass amps like a rumble 15/25/40, if so how does it compare to them?
I don’t think you should write off all DSP amps just by one experience.
Every song that has been recorded in the past 20 years likely has quite a bit of DSP at multiple levels of the process.
As far as bass amps, the Bergantino b-amp and forte are DSP and they are top shelf all the way.
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