So after a couple of near misses of other people almost frying my SVT 2-PRO at recent gigs and events, I've come to the conclusion that I don't overly enjoy the constant worry (I'm extremely paranoid when it comes to tube amp health) that I have over my SVT. because of this, I've thought about the heinous decision of possibly converting to the Fractal Axe-FX 2 XL and using the SVT preset in it as my main rig, and then selling my SVT.
The Axe-FX 2 would be much easier to transport, would give consistent results every night, and would allow for much greater tone flexibility and editing, ease of use in studio contexts, and not to mention the ability to set up complex signal chains (which I enjoy, for example splitting off the highs and lows to seperate amps etc).
The downside is it would require a seperate power amp if I wish to use it with a cab. Not the worst thing in the world but another expense on top of the existing very costly price of an Axe-Fx.
The question is, how does the SVT preset in the Axe-Fx 2 XL hold up against a real SVT? I've heard opinions from others saying it is nearly identical when dialed in or even surpasses the existing SVT because of the extended options in the Fractal not available on the actual SVT, however I'd like to hear the opinions of other users.
The Axe-FX 2 would be much easier to transport, would give consistent results every night, and would allow for much greater tone flexibility and editing, ease of use in studio contexts, and not to mention the ability to set up complex signal chains (which I enjoy, for example splitting off the highs and lows to seperate amps etc).
The downside is it would require a seperate power amp if I wish to use it with a cab. Not the worst thing in the world but another expense on top of the existing very costly price of an Axe-Fx.
The question is, how does the SVT preset in the Axe-Fx 2 XL hold up against a real SVT? I've heard opinions from others saying it is nearly identical when dialed in or even surpasses the existing SVT because of the extended options in the Fractal not available on the actual SVT, however I'd like to hear the opinions of other users.