How Important Is 3 Finger Strumming?

Do you mean plucking, or do you mean actually strumming?

Neither would be necessary at all for your average player. But if you’re interested in doing them, as with nearly everything, you should start practicing it as soon as possible.
3 finger walking would be a better term
i don't think it's "necessary" but it's another way to accomplish a task in a particular moment. i mostly walk with two fingers, but i use three fingers often enough. for me, it depends on which changes at which tempo...with no hard/fast rules.

- you learn some skills and rarely use them, for whatever reason.
- you learn some skills and wonder why you didn't learn them sooner, for some reason or another.

but you have to learn the skill first, or become acquainted enough, to really assess its usefulness for you. good luck with three finger walking! :thumbsup:
...& Steve Harris...


The real question OP, is how important is it to you?
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If you want to stay with two fingers, that's fine - Jamerson only needed 1.

But seriously, if you plan on playing metal or some of the more active prog genres learning to play with three fingers on your plucking hand will give you huge payoffs down the road.

But there is no inherent advantage to it, it all depends on what you want to play and how you want to play it.

I recommend it, but then I play a lot of prog metal and other very active prog stuff, but YMMV.
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I'll be honest. I grew up and learned to play before videos and such. I had to learn by Cassette or LP. I had no idea how guys did what they did. I just knew I wanted to play those lines. So, I learned em. All. From Run to the Hills to Shyboy to Master of Puppets to YYZ, with two fingers. I can still play em all that way. And often do. Necessary? Nope. But maybe handy for some of today's speedier tracks. Heck, I even learned pick tunes, such as Race with a Devil on a Spanish Highway with two plucking fingers. Adding a third has been difficult, bein honest. Tho I have tried. It may be easier to acquire that technique and play these kinds of songs, but I just don't have the patience. Ha!
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Well, it's always good to have another item on the musical bag of tricks.

...& Steve Harris...

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The real question OP, is how important is it to you?

Sorry for the nitpick, but Steve Harris plays with 2 fingers only.

"You’ve said it plenty of times, but some people still insist that you play “the gallop” with three fingers. Can you confirm that your right-hand technique uses just two fingers?

It’s only two".

If my middle finger was the same length as my index and ring fingers, I’d try 3 fingers. Having to curl my middle finger to match lengths makes 3 fingers slower than 2 for me.
Well, it's always good to have another item on the musical bag of tricks.

Sorry for the nitpick, but Steve Harris plays with 2 fingers only.

"You’ve said it plenty of times, but some people still insist that you play “the gallop” with three fingers. Can you confirm that your right-hand technique uses just two fingers?

It’s only two".

Don't be sorry, I learned something new today! Mind=BLOWN!