How long does it take for a membership renewal to show up on TalkBass?


Supporting Member
Dec 27, 2013
East Central Alabama
At the very end of June I got a notification that my TB Supporting Membership would expire in seven days. I re-upped, but looking at the numbers told me a Lifetime Supporting Membership was a better deal, so that is what I went with. I renewed on 4 July.

My confirmation e-mail said it could take up to three days for my membership to show up on TalkBass, but it has now been seven and for all anybody can tell I am not a member. Is this sort of delay normal or did I somehow screw-up the renewal process, or is there a glitch in TB's administrative software?

Right now I have $150 in limbo and I don't like that.
You appear to be a Supporting Member.

membership - 1.jpeg
You appear to be a Supporting Member.

View attachment 4745318

This is what I was seeing before my supporting membership expired. But I renewed as Lifetime Supporting and got the PayPal confirmation via personal e-mail. Yet when I log in, there is no indication of any sort of membership at all for me. See my avatar at left.

Edit: Okay; NOW it shows up, so I was premature in my query. I gather no distinction is made between Supporting and Life Supporting.
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@GretschWretch you show as a Supporting Member for me as well.


Thanks for checking. I checked my profile a couple of days ago, and indeed I am shown as a Supporting Member. But it seems like with my old membership, every post I submitted had me as Supporting Member just below my avatar in the left pane. I am not seeing that now. Did TalkBass make a systems change here?
Thanks for checking. I checked my profile a couple of days ago, and indeed I am shown as a Supporting Member. But it seems like with my old membership, every post I submitted had me as Supporting Member just below my avatar in the left pane. I am not seeing that now. Did TalkBass make a systems change here?

I am not aware of any changes like that to the forum software.
