How Many ODs/Dirts?

I think it is safe to assume that if you have any kind of pedalboard you have an OD or dirt pedal on it. We have all seen the "tuner and a DS-1" board that has served musicians well forever.

But when looking at my board I noticed that I have 4 distinct dirt pedals (one of them is also a dual-OD) on my board at a time, and I have plans for two more to complete my tonal variety. This seems like a lot, but for different passages you really do need different tones and I use them all to noticeable effect. But 6 OD/dirt/fuzz pedals (technically 7) seems like waaaaaaay too many. Anyone else have these same concerns about their board? Especially when paired against my time-based effects, it seems like a lot of pedal space absorbed by different versions of one effect.
The answer is, "however many you need". If you want 7, and you don't mind having 7 on your board, then go for it. Some have more!

I totally understand wanting to use a lot of dirt pedals. I love variety, and own at least a dozen dirt pedals that I like -- but I don't set them all up at the gig, obviously. Fact is, I don't have a board because I love to change up my pedals from gig to gig: partly because I play in a few bands (f'r instance I'll use a more edgy/aggressive tone with my harder rock band than I will with my classic rock/R&B band), but mostly because I love change things up for variety's sake, even within the same band/genre. So, I only bring 2-3 dirts to each gig (I don't use any other FX, aside from compression every so often).

In a perfect world I'd have a dozen (or more) dirt pedals on a board so I could get all the variety I want at every gig... but I rarely play stages big enough for that kind of board. If you can do 6 or 7, then why not? I totally get it.
I have two and will probably add a third.

The first is to produce a clean/dirty blend and the second is a full on exploding speaker fuzz.

The one I want to add will be somewhere in the middle.
Whatever serves the song.
I've got 8 on my board and have zero shame!

Each one has it's justification:
Darkglass VMT -> B3K: My always-on sound.
Team Awesome Fuzz Machine: low-gain fuzz for grittier parts that don't need full blown fuzz
3Leaf You're Doom: Used solely in combination with octaves and filters to add some grind
EHX Green Muff Reissue: 'cause I gotta have a muff on there. For in-the-background wall of muff-fuzz
IE Oxide: Used along with a Polytope and reverb for my solo spot
Darkglass Duality: For full-blown, sharper fuzz parts
Prunes & Custard: It fits one particular verse in one song in my band, but that one sound is essential
I have 5..... MBD-1 is a beast

Here's my list;

Ampeg SCR-DI- I use the Scrambler as a sort of SVT pushed to the edge tone- a bit of grit without getting too messed up.
Tronographic Rusty Box- never really a clean pedal to begin with, and the boost puts things over the edge quite well.
RAT2- had an original one years ago. Wife Christmas gift! A good distort-box.
Earthtone Big Muff Pi- custom built Russian-style Muff built by my guitarist for me. All goodness. Bass Guitar Driver (aka "the bass driver")

The Trono and Ampeg are essentially my channel switchable "preamp", while the other get used as needed.
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Honestly I'm usually good with just my Blower Box, though sometimes I'll add the Russian Big Muff to my board for a very different flavor of dirt.

I totally get having an OD, fuzz, and distortion on your board, or multiple fuzzes if they're all very different sounds. Don't really get the reason for having more than one big muff or rat clone on a single board though.
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Source Audio AfterShock can provide 6 different OD/Fuzz/Distortion options in one pedal...there is a 3 position toggle with 3 factory presets and there is a user preset mode for 3 more, also can handle an external switch...this pedal is insane, you can tweak it any way you want using the free app...I've used B3K, Pickle Pie B, Boneshaker, Mantic, etc, etc, etc...the SA AS is king of the heap IMHO. 1 pedal *may* replace 6, of course this depends on you and your needs.
I do push a SansAmp sometimes and when I do the results are extraordinary.
My messy "home board" has at least 12 including fuzz and boosts, perhaps a few more if you count pre amp pedals. I tend to just use a few at a time but it's nice having tons of options. Definitely excessive though.

If I were gigging I would probably cut that number down to 3-5 or so of the ones I use the most. I buy most of my gear used so I don't feel too bad about my excessive collection. Been meaning to sell of a few as well.
I played bass for around 35 years before I bought my first OD pedal. I just ordered a second OD this week. But I’ve got five compressors and four preamp pedals - and counting. I have no envelope/wah or fuzz pedals. And I don’t plan on getting any.

I think how many of a certain type of device you own comes down to what you like and are most interested in exploring rather than for reasons based on an actual need.
I think it depends on the type of music you play. If you play Top 40 and Country covers like myself, you probably don't even need an OD/Dist/Fuzz. But if you play in a Post-Metal (including all sub genres that I don't even know exist) band, then 7 is probably just right. Every songs having a distorted bass, and you don't want the same color in every song.
I only use two. One to kick up the gain on my amp (it runs overdriven normally) which is a custom rat clone, and the fuzz built into the cliff Burton wah, which kinda sounds bad, but in a good way. I only really use it with the wah for a solo or two