I posted a while back about a build I'm planning - a tribute to Sting's '62 (or it could be '63) Jazz. The conclusion was that Sting refinished the body himself using shellac. I'm now planning my build, and I want to achieve as close to this look as I can (starting with an unfinished body). I'm reasonably comfortable using nitro, but have never used shellac. From what I'm reading, it is easy to apply, but not necessarily very durable. I'm also not sure, if I were to use shellac, which one to use to get this colour - there seem to be different colours available. Alternatively, I could probably achieve a similar colour to this using amber nitro (which I already have).
Any recommendations about the relative merits of these (or any other) finishes would be much appreciated.
Any recommendations about the relative merits of these (or any other) finishes would be much appreciated.