How to Build Fender footswitch

So, I've got a Fender Rumble 200 combo and I'd like to build a footswitch for it. Seems like a simple and fun project. The only question I have on the basic footswitch is whether I need a momentary switch or a regular one, I'm assuming a regular SPST footswitch will work?

Now to step it up a notch beyond the basic footswitch, does the footswitch jack on the amp have enough power to run an LED?
If it does could I just wire an LED inline or would I need any resistors or anything to make the LED work?
Could I use a pot to adjust the LED brightness? :laugh: JK on that
You'll have to find out what the amp needs jack wise (momentary Normally Open vs momentary Normally Closed vs SPDT / DPDT etc, but I'll take a stab at the other questions (take the following with a large grain of sea salt as I'm a newb to pedal building myself)...

No, the power won't be sufficient for an LED, you'll need a battery or power supply
Yes, a resistor is needed for the LED, its value depends on how bright you want it
Yes, a trimmer can be used on the LED to control brightness.
Here's the footswitches offered by Fender itself for your amp:

Optional 1-Button Footswitch:
Economy (P/N 0994049000),
Vintage (P/N 0994054000),
LED (P/N 0994052000)

Fender doesn't list the specs under its "Specs" for any of those, but looking at the plug on the attached cable of the vintage model, it looks like you don't need a stereo cable.

Searching Fender's site and related PDFs, they're very careful to NOT tell you what kind of switch you need (other than a Fender one), but I did find the following in the PDF manual:

"Any generic single-button latching-type footswitch will work."


"NOTE: If a footswitch is connected, the front panel switch will still work, but it is possible for its position IN/OUT to become backwards (i.e. IN=OFF), depending on the footswitch status. The Overdrive light (LED) on the front panel will ALWAYS be correct, but the LED in the footswitch may be incorrect. If using a footswitch with an LED, keep the front panel switch in the OUT position to have the correct status displayed on the footswitch LED. "

... "LED FOOTSWITCH — (P/N 0994052000) Contemporary one-button on/off footswitch with LED indicator. NOTE: You must switch the Overdrive effect off before connecting this footswitch to enable the footswitch LED to operate properly."
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