I want to take my bass playing to the next level, I feel pretty good about my technique, I've mostly spent my time getting that how I like it. But Now I'd like to get to the point where I can be completely comfortable on the neck and not just play in "scale boxes", where I can know exactly what notes to hit to get what I'm hearing in my head out of my bass.
I've been studying some theory on my keyboard, I've started learning all the names of the notes on the fretboard, I know an alright amount about intervals, chord structure ect. That has helped me a lot at picking up on things quicker, and a little better at improv, but I still kinda feel like I'm just "wanking around" when I try to improvise or come up with stuff.
What would be the best exercises or things to study ect. To get to this level I want to achieve the fastest?
I've been studying some theory on my keyboard, I've started learning all the names of the notes on the fretboard, I know an alright amount about intervals, chord structure ect. That has helped me a lot at picking up on things quicker, and a little better at improv, but I still kinda feel like I'm just "wanking around" when I try to improvise or come up with stuff.
What would be the best exercises or things to study ect. To get to this level I want to achieve the fastest?