How to replace the jack output on an epiphone Jack Casady bass

Hi all,
I have bought a young JC signature bass, and love the sound, bit lately the output jack has come loose, and it seems I cannot tighten it anymore.
So I'd like to replace it, but cannot see how to reach it, since there is no opening in the back to get there.
Someone any tips on how to do it?
Thanks in advance

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In order to tighten the jack you need to find a way (generally through the F hole) to hold the body of the jack while you tighten from the outside. Alternatively, Allparts and StewMac have tools which hold the jack while tightening. If you don’t do that you’re probably just spinning the jack inside the body until the wires twist off.

Like most hollow and semi-hollow instruments, if you want to replace the jack all the electronics will need to come out through the pickup route. Tying string to the jack and pot shafts will help you get them back in the right place. Also, be careful with the transformer during removal and reassembly. You don’t want to damage it as replacement can become a bit of a journey. I believe @tomZbass may have some experience with JCB electronics removal and replacement...

How do the Epiphone Jack Casady electronics work?
Hi all,
I have bought a young JC signature bass, and love the sound, bit lately the output jack has come loose, and it seems I cannot tighten it anymore.
So I'd like to replace it, but cannot see how to reach it, since there is no opening in the back to get there.
Someone any tips on how to do it?
Thanks in advance

happy to help. hit me with an message tomorrow.
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