I haven’t played my setup in a long time. 7 years, maybe. It was my regular gigging amp for 8 years of constant shows and practice. During the last show I played with it, the ground prong broke on the power supply, and my band wasn’t going to play again, so the stuff went in my closet until 3 nights ago.
It’s a Little Mark II through a traveler 2x10.
I went and bought a generic power supply, and hooked it up a few nights ago. Initially it was sounding fine. Then I started getting a distorted sound. My immediate thought, is that the batteries in my active pickups were low, so I replaced them and plugged it back up today. Still distorted AND I began to smell a slight electronic burning smell so I unplugged everything fast. I pulled off the grill and checked both speakers and one of them is grinding when I push the cone down.
A) could there be an issue with the power supply? B) is it just that the speakers sat dormant for so long? C) what do I do?? I can’t afford another setup, especially MarkBass.
Thanks for any tips!!
It’s a Little Mark II through a traveler 2x10.
I went and bought a generic power supply, and hooked it up a few nights ago. Initially it was sounding fine. Then I started getting a distorted sound. My immediate thought, is that the batteries in my active pickups were low, so I replaced them and plugged it back up today. Still distorted AND I began to smell a slight electronic burning smell so I unplugged everything fast. I pulled off the grill and checked both speakers and one of them is grinding when I push the cone down.
A) could there be an issue with the power supply? B) is it just that the speakers sat dormant for so long? C) what do I do?? I can’t afford another setup, especially MarkBass.
Thanks for any tips!!