I cannot stand this:

Can VBulletin auto-close or delete open for sale threads after a specified time period?

Probably can't, but it'd be nice to have them closed or gone in 90 days.

Threads where the item has sold that have been properly closed could be retained after 90 days passes so they can serve as a price reference.

Related issue: At what point does an old FS thread with a sold price cease to be relevant? If I am trying to sell something, do I want to see what it sold for 2 or three years ago?
Nah, what bothers me more is when the threads aren't closed after the item is sold. I'm sure I have a few out there, so don't look to call me a hypocrite. At least I try.

Technically, this is the root of the problem. If the seller would close or delete the thread, there would be no thread to bump with "sold?". If the thread is still out there floating, it seems that sending the seller a pm directly would get a direct response faster and not clutter the classifieds.

Can VBulletin auto-close or delete open for sale threads after a specified time period?

Probably can't, but it'd be nice to have them closed or gone in 90 days.

Threads where the item has sold that have been properly closed could be retained after 90 days passes so they can serve as a price reference.

Great idea Michael! Were solving the worlds problem a day at a time. :D

You are right, it would be nice if this were the case. Maybe the creator of the thread would receive a pm letting him/her know the thread was about to be closed to see what action they would like to take as well? Just a thought...

Related issue: At what point does an old FS thread with a sold price cease to be relevant? If I am trying to sell something, do I want to see what it sold for 2 or three years ago?

Agreed. I nearly always delete the price of an item I sell. Usually because the buyer asks me too.
Can VBulletin auto-close or delete open for sale threads after a specified time period?

Probably can't, but it'd be nice to have them closed or gone in 90 days.

Threads where the item has sold that have been properly closed could be retained after 90 days passes so they can serve as a price reference.

Related issue: At what point does an old FS thread with a sold price cease to be relevant? If I am trying to sell something, do I want to see what it sold for 2 or three years ago?

Any rational user can look at the dated thread and make their own determination about it's relevance.
The one advantage of having old trade and sale threads hanging around is that sometimes it's helpful to see if something has bounced around a lot in a short period of time. For me that's a red flag. Definitely agree with closing threads when done but I like the fact that they're still searchable.
On other boards, I always delete my FS threads if possible. I learned that there's a culture here of leaving them up for folks to reference for prices, etc. I always lock the thread after a sale.

Maybe someone with mod duties could explain why after a certain amount of time I found I couldn't edit my initial post any more!!??
I really don't understand how people end up leaving threads open.

When I sell things, the first thing I do is go and close/delete all of my online ads. It takes a minute or two.

It happens to me once every few months. If you're selling multiple things across 3+ locations, it's easy to forget to close one of them if you sell a lot.
Likewise, I hate it when someone doesn't PM. I don't check all my threads on a daily basis - especially my WTB threads. It's lame to want something and not hear from anyone only to check the actually thread and see two people posted on the thread saying that they had what you wanted a month ago...
I hate the word *hate* or at least it's current over-use; it seems as if whenever something is criticized, SOMEONE has to come along and ask *why all the hate for_____*? I mean, in a way I think hate can be misguided jealousy. Or, as in the case of me at 10 or 11, budding/mis-labelled lust(*I hate girls* ;)).
What's more, I REALLY hate when someone posts a *I hate/cannot stand/don't get_____* thread, and some clown HAS to post everything THEY *hate/cannot stand/don't get*
Yup. I hate, cannot stand & don't get that at ALL. :cool:
What about having an option in the advanced search to omit closed classified threads?

That way, if you want to see them you can, or if you don't, you don't have to muddle through all of the closed threads that teased you before you noticed they were closed.

As info, I am a business process/systems analyst. Essentially, I help design intranet pages that utilize very robust search functionality. If I were consulting for TB, this would be in the top 10 list of suggestions.